So I've had a tremendous response to my previous post on stuff you should never say to a pregnant woman or new parent. (See it here if you missed it!)
So here's Part 2 - this time though, I'm focusing on stuff you shouldn't say to a new parent. In Part 3, I'll focus it on the preggos, I promise! So here it goes ...
Don't say these things to a new parent:
"C'mon, just get a sitter and let's goooo!"
Here's the reality: it's not easy to find a good sitter. Parents are not going to hire the 16-year-old pothead next door. And it's not a matter of being "too paranoid" or "overprotective" either. Babysitting is a serious job – you have to consider allergies, illnesses, plus diaper changes, bedtime routines, activities, etc. And if the kid doesn't like the babysitter, that's even worse. Many parents feel terrible if they leave a baby or child crying the whole time. This is why "just getting a sitter" is not an easy task.
Whaaaat?! The baby's not on a bottle?!!
First off, not all babies take bottles - mine never did. She probably took a bottle five times in her first year. Second, some babies will stop taking a bottle on their own and they'll only want the breast. Every baby is different, not all will stick with a bottle or take one. Plus, some moms choose not to bottle-feed in fear of nipple confusion. Get over it, the baby's not on a bottle and it's not your business!
Anything else to add to my list? Post below or let me know what you want to see in Part 3!
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