I love arts and craft, especially knitting! But what I've failed to keep up with is scrapbooking.
What does this have to do with "Adventures in Baby Savings"? Well, you know how there are baby-related scrapbooks? These have you mark down firsts, such as first tooth (yes, like we want to remember that!), roll, crawl, etc.
f you're just too tired, ditch the scrapbook. It'll save you time, money and sanity.
When I got those scrapbooks as a pregnant mommy, I was ecstatic! But when baby came, I tried filling in those inserts and I just couldn't wrap my mind around them. One time, a scrapbook asked me to glue a pic of my baby's room before she was born. What?! I was supposed to take a picture of that?! I thought I was a terrible parent for not doing that!

So in the end, I let a stupid scrapbook worry the crap out of me during my early mommyhood. I do want to preserve some keepsakes though, so what I do is store things in a keepsake box. Very simple – you can find them in card stores, dollar stores, or make your own out of a shoebox.
I also met a mom who typed up little blurbs for her baby. When something significant happened, she wrote her son a quick blurb (i.e.
Today we went to to the zoo...). She saved it on a USB key and it's ready for her son to read when he's older.
I'm not saying don't bother scrapbooking – hey, if you enjoy it, go for it! But if it's not for you and you're doing it because it's something you think a mom "just does," forget about it.