Check out their exclusive email interview with Adventures in Baby Savings below:
Q. There have been a lot of gently-used sales popping up, such as Mom-to-Mom. How is Mississauga OutGROW OutPLAY different?
A. Our events boast high quality and well-priced children's items in a tremendously organized and shopper-oriented space. All categories are clearly labeled, and shoppers don't have to go from seller to seller looking for what they want. If it's strollers they are after, they can go straight there first and see them all in one place, rather than walking the entire event prior to finding what they want (if it's still there!). Also, all items that we sell go through an inspection process to stand behind our commitment to quality and service.
Q. How does OutGROW OutPLAY work for buyers?
A. Our Shoppers LOVE us! Imagine being able to score all those amazing items your children want or need at up to 90% off retail! We are open to the public from 9am-3pm on Saturday, June 7, and 9am-2pm on Sunday, June 8, for our 50% sale on most items.
Shoppers can also participate on our Facebook giveaways to try to win pre-sale passes to shop the night before we open to the public. Also, some of our shoppers who want to shop first sign up for our volunteer shifts, which scores them pre-sale passes for Friday, June 6!
A. Moms and dads quickly realize that their kids will zip through many items, leaving these items almost brand new. OutGROW OutPLAY is the ideal solution to earning back some of the money we spend on these items.
Instead of individually posting online, showing potential buyers the items and allowing people we don't know into our homes, we offer parents the opportunity to earn money and spend their time doing what they love instead of selling their items. Our events do that for them. Our consignors earn between 65-80% of what the item sells for and they get to shop the pre-sale for items their kids currently want and need.
Q. How do you ensure all items that are being sold at OutGROW OutPLAY are safe, high-quality?
A. When a consignor drops of their items for our events, we have inspection stations set up to review all items making onto the floor, ensuring that they are only gently loved and in working condition. For safety and sanitary reasons we do not accept certain items. A list is available on our website.
Q. Anything else you'd like to mention about your upcoming sale?
A. Since community stewardship is one of the cornerstones of OutGROW OutPLAY, we partner with several charities and organizations for our events.
- The Mississauga Food Bank will receive any food collected in lieu of admissions.
- The Diaper Bank will receive the diapers from our diaper drive to assist parents in high needs communities within Mississauga. So in lieu of admissions, we will accept new diaper packs in any size. The Diaper Bank is currently in need of larger diapers specifically and ANY left over diapers from when your little one's switched sizes will be gladly welcomed as well.
- The Vita Centre will receive all the children’s items donated at the end of the event for their Care Closet, helping young parents in need of support and assistance.
The Spring kick off celebration and ribbon cutting will take place on Friday, June 6th at 3:15pm at the Hershey Centre (5500 Rose Cherry Pl, Mississauga, ON), Community Rink 4, followed by a reception prior to the pre-sale for volunteers and consignors. Saturday, June 7th's admission is $2 or a non-perishable food item. There is no admission charge for Sunday, June 8th, which is the 50% off sale on all MARKDOWN items. Kids are always welcome and attend for free.