Sunday, 2 March 2014

I don't make my own play doh - am I a bad mom?

When my daughter started playing with play doh, you won't believe the number of comments I had from people telling me I have to make my own OR ELSE.

If I used store-bought play doh, I was told my daughter would a) be exposed to harmful chemicals; b) she will EAT the play doh and we'll never know what she's digesting; and c) it builds bonding, makes your kid smarter, yada yada yada.

I agree, making play doh is a fun activity, but I'm perfectly comfortable buying it for my kid at Walmart. I made my own childhood crafts out of store-bought doh and I survived. My daughter doesn't have food allergies either. And my daughter is smart.

So in other words, "to each his or her own" - if you have a firm belief in homemade play doh, go for it. And if you don't, who cares?! In the end, it's whatever works for you.

You're probably thinking this is a weird topic to discuss. Bottom line: when you're a first-time parent being criticized for small things,  it can get to you. However, it is possible to filter out those unwanted thoughts that doubt your parenting skills – it just takes time to find that little voice in your head that says "screw it, I know what's best." YOU know what's right for you and your child – not the lady you met at the park whose kid is eating sand. 

My daughter is three now, and when I get those play doh-like comments, I smile, say thank you and think, let's move on to more important things: how the heck am I going to watch season 2 of Orange Is The New Black if I don't have Netflix?!

What are your tips for handling parenting criticisms? I would love to know your thoughts.


  1. As a new mom, most of the time I'm willing to hear what more experienced moms have to say... I do hate it when non-parents or parents with children in their teenage years start to preach to me on how I should raise my child. Most of the time they don't even know what they are talking about so that is just irritating! You are a saint for smiling and saying thank you, Nikki! ~ Sofi :-)

  2. Sofi, you are so sweet, thanks for your comment!
