Saturday, 28 September 2013

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Giving Birth

1. Light sleepers do not need to splurge on baby monitors.

2. Every baby is different. Repeat: EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT. Just because your friend, sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, whoever thinks that something is "best for your baby," it doesn't mean it's the best for your baby. Go with your gut.

3. It takes time to feel comfortable leaving the house with a baby. Try "baby steps" (no pun intended!) like going for a walk to get the mail, walking around the block the next day, then taking a trip to the mall.

4. A nursery doesn't have to have matching Winnie The Pooh bedsheets. Trust me, the baby doesn't care and when you haven't slept in weeks - or months - you don't give a damn either!

5. If you have a newborn and you see baby food-related items on sale, don't stock up.

6. Before you give birth, try to make meals in advance and freeze them.

7. Don't feel like you need to entertain guests when you have a newborn. Invite people over when YOU are ready.

8. Ask for help. You're only human. If someone offers to help out, take the offer.

9. Leave the dishes for later. Honestly, if you have the chance to nap, take it! The dishes can wait.

10. It's okay to cry. You don't have to hide your feelings if you're frustrated - all new moms feel the same!

Can anyone else add more to this list?

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