Thursday, 27 November 2014

5 Things I Rediscovered After Having My Second Baby

After a gruelling pregnancy of countless infections, painful Braxton Hicks contractions through both my second and third trimesters, multiple trips to the walk-in clinic and endless nausea, I finally gave birth to my beautiful son on November 9th.

And what a baby – maybe I'm speaking too soon, but he's a great sleeper, eater and totally calm! However, this whole prenatal and postnatal experience has forced me to reflect on four years ago, when I gave birth to my daughter.

So when it comes to saving your sanity and money, check out these tips for if you're have your first, second or nineteenth baby:

1. Just say no. Seriously. If family or friends want you to come over to their place, or you were asked to organize an event, don't do it. Just don't. You pushed a watermelon out of your body, you deserve to rest!

2. Keep food and water at your nightstand. Nighttime feedings with a newborn can make you hungry and thirsty. So here's your chance to be lazy - keep granola bars and water bottles by your bed instead of walking to the kitchen.

3. Ask for help. There's no shame in asking your parents or grandparents to bring some food over, as well as saying "yes" when a friend offers to buy you groceries or do your laundry. This is a time when you need to think about your recovery.

4. Don't cheap out on lanolin cream. "They" say applying breast milk should help with sore and cracked nipples. But geez, if you need a nudge on axing the uncomfortable-ness of breastfeeding, splurge $10 or $12 on some lanolin cream. It's worth it!

5. Samples can be lifesavers. If you get some worthwhile samples, keep them in a container or drawer. (But not in a hoarder way, if you know what I mean.)  When I refer to worthwhile, I mean moisturizers, bottles, diaper rash creams, etc. They could come in handy in desperate situations (that's how I realized Lansinoh is worth it!).

What are your tips for surviving with a newborn? Looking forward to reading your feedback! And as always, please continue to post your money-saving tips on the official Adventures in Baby Savings Facebook Group