Monday, 17 September 2012

Reduced to clear

Although I like to think of myself as a savings kind of gal, there's one aisle I don't check often: the "reduced to clear" section. I know, totally ironic, right? Maybe it's because it's out of the way. Or maybe it's because I have to jet thanks to an impatient toddler.

A few weeks back, I happened to pass by this bargain section at a Real Canadian Superstore. I couldn't believe my eyes (or, I mean, what my daughter was using as a drum): diapers ... and they were in her size!

About 90 percent of the time, I use coupons to buy diapers. I normally pay about 17 cents a diaper (she wears size 3 still, which is why I can keep the cost this low). But on this lucky, non-full moon evening, I paid $10.44 for 136 diapers. That equals to .... 7 cents a diaper! (Here's your cue to say, "whaaaaaat?!")

So sometimes it doesn't hurt to take a u-turn towards the bargain section. Here are a few tips if you find diapers at an incredibly, eye-popping price:
  • If they're cheap and you know they won't work for your baby or tot, forget about it. (P.S. Same goes for skincare and personal care items on sale.) You want to keep your sanity during diaper changes, not lose it for a few bucks. If I see something at an amazing price, I'll sometimes text my mommy friends. Hey, why not pass on the savings? 

Sunday, 9 September 2012

In your skin

I've recently learned that sometimes you have to spend a few extra bucks to keep yourself in good health. The same goes for skincare.

Look at acne treatments – why use a cheap brand if it's going to do nothing for your skin? There's no need to feel guilty if you need to spend a little more on a product that works for you.

That said, if you are pregnant or have just given birth, maybe you feel like your complexion is going bonkers. You're not alone – check out my article "My Battle with Acne" on The Skiny. Fighting acne goes beyond a simple facial wash!