But when I look at the price of a magazine donning Strawberry Shortcake or Barbie, I think, "WTF?! It costs $6?! That's half the price of In Touch!"
So if you're wondering if there's a magazine worth getting for a young child -- even if it it's close to $5 or $6 per issue on newsstands -- that magazine is Chirp.
My daughter received a subscription for her birthday last year, but once it runs out, I will be happily renewing it.
P.S. A subscription is $34.95 CAD for 10 issues, but I think it's worth every penny. Here's why:
- Great craft ideas that are easy and creative for my three-year-old daughter to embrace. In fact, they have saved my husband and I from my daughter's "I'm bored" whining! And I gotta admit, I did have a lot of fun making finger puppets out of pipe cleaners.
- The jokes are simple enough for kids to understand! In fact, Chirp magazine has encouraged my daughter to make up her own knock-knock jokes.
- The alphabets in "Word Play" highlight illustrated letters, which help kids recognize letters from a "word-of-the-month."
- In "Chirp Fun", there are symbols that kids can point out that allow you and your kid to read aloud together.
- In "Let's Move", they have kids encouraging readers to move in simple activities, such as stretching, moving your body to look like letters, pretending to grow like a tree, etc.
Does your family read Chirp? What are your thoughts?
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