What does this have to do with "Adventures in Baby Savings"? Well, you know how there are baby-related scrapbooks? These have you mark down firsts, such as first tooth (yes, like we want to remember that!), roll, crawl, etc.
f you're just too tired, ditch the scrapbook. It'll save you time, money and sanity.
When I got those scrapbooks as a pregnant mommy, I was ecstatic! But when baby came, I tried filling in those inserts and I just couldn't wrap my mind around them. One time, a scrapbook asked me to glue a pic of my baby's room before she was born. What?! I was supposed to take a picture of that?! I thought I was a terrible parent for not doing that!
I also met a mom who typed up little blurbs for her baby. When something significant happened, she wrote her son a quick blurb (i.e. Today we went to to the zoo...). She saved it on a USB key and it's ready for her son to read when he's older.
I'm not saying don't bother scrapbooking – hey, if you enjoy it, go for it! But if it's not for you and you're doing it because it's something you think a mom "just does," forget about it.
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